François Lafranca
Lavori su Cartalafranca, Sculture
fino al 30 aprile
Giovedì dalle ore 15 alle 18.00 / Domenica dalle 11 alle 13
o su appuntamento Tel 077 461 06 83
Lartista sarà presente giovedì 2 marzo + 6 aprile
e domenica 26 marzo + 16 aprile
Finissage domenica 30 aprile
Via dellAcqua 27 CH 6648 Minusio / www.arauco.ch
Pietra carta
Programma Saletta Incontri
ogni lunedì dalle ore 19, prenotazione necessaria
8 maggio Moneka Gandhi documentario di Werner Weick
22 maggio PIETRACQUA di Gilberto Isella,
Giulia Napoleone, Loredana Müller
12 giugno Serata di Poesia con Oswaldo Collucino
Gilberto Isella e Giulia Napoletano
26 giugno Käräjäkivet edizioni, modera Roi Carrera
Ateliers Lafranca, Collinasca
Les bons à tirer (B.A.T) des 12 xylographies (wood block prints)
de la suite THE COLLINASCA CYCLE 1992 croch´es
au séchoir de la Cartalafranca dans le soleil du matin.
Format des feuilles 200 x 80 cm environ. Edition Peter Blum, New York
oeuvres récentes
du 22.8. au 23.12.2020
PORTE APERTE avec fabrication Cartalafranca
5.9.2021 11-16h
1969-2019 50 ans Cartalafranca
Réalisations de différents artistes dans le rapport Papier-Oeuvre d'Art
Réouverture exposition 50 ans Cartalafranca. Du 30 mai au 12 juillet*. Visites sur rendez-vous, Tel. 091 796 22 22. Remises de 25% sur toutes les oeuvres exposées. Sur la photographie, de gauche à droite: OCRA 1977 de Arturo Bonfanti, 2 lithographies1973 de Gianfredo Camesi
et 2 aquatintes 1970 de Mark Tobey.
En dessous projets et petites sculptures de François Lafranca. *= sous réserve de changements selon évolution covid19
Bex & Arts Triennal sculpture contemporaine
34 artistes exposent chacun une sculpture monumentale
dans les 8 hectares du magnifique Park de Szilassy.
Du 22 juin au 28 octobre 2020 de 10-18 h.
Finissage dimanche 18 octobre 2020
Informations sur www.bexarts.ch ou tel. 0041 79 780 18 80
Enrico Castellani - Piero Dorazio
Relievs on paper, artists' book and acquatintes
printed by François Lafranca between 1970 and 1989
Vernissage Saturday 8 September form 11 until 16 h, Ateliers Lafranca
Exhibit only until 31 March 2019
François Lafranca Paperworks and sculture
Museo Regionale Centovalli e Pedemonte, CH 6655 Intragna
Inauguration Friday 24 August 2018, 18.00
Introduction of Dalmazio Ambrosioni
Exhibit until 28 October 2018
Finissage with F-ChamberJazz 28.10.2018 at 16.00
Recent works
Sculptures and Temperas of François Lafranca
Inauguration 30 September 2017 from 11 until 16 h
Exhibit until 31 March 2018
Tempus Fluit, Ateliers Lafranca
Collinasca, CH 6683 Cerentino
100 years of Dada : Jean Arp - Hans Richter
Featuring three other artists : Gottfried Honegger - Max Frisch - Peter Stein
Exhibition from 1 October 2016 until 31 March 2017
Opening: Saturday 1.10.2016 from 11 to 16 h
Traumdepot, Bern STEIN & MALEREI
Tramdepot Burgenziel / Thunstrasse 104-106 CH 3000 Bern
www.traumdepot 2016.ch
In 2 very large halls, sculptures and pictures by 39 artists \
From 11 September until 6 November 2016
Recent Artwork Ateliers Lafranca, Collinasca
Collinasca, CH-6683 Cerentino
From August 2015 till March 2016
2015 Reliefs, Temperas and Photographs
From previous years:
Small and large sculptures, Artis's books.
Some Artworks from the Editions Lafranca:
Bonfanti, Castellani, Honegger, Richter.
Le Catene Palazzo comunale, Cevio
Via del Pretorio 4, 6675 Cevio
From 4 October 2015 till 28 February 2016
Monday-Tuesday 14:30-17:30, Wednesday-Friday 8:30-11:30
Pages from the Artist's book LE CATENE 1975, with texts by Plinio Martini and engravings by François Lafranca (in the staircase).
Other works, also by Gianfredo Camesi, in the building.
Dialogue Gunma Museum of Art, Japan
Hinata-cho 2003 Tatebayashi 374-0076 Japan
from 20 December 2014 till 5 April 2015
15 reliefs and a sculpture by François Lafranca, jointly with pictures by Ben Nicholson and sculptures by Barbara Hepworth in a museum room.
Other exhibiting artists: Genikiro Inokuma, Paul Klee, Richard Long, Taiji Matsue, Andy Warhol, Nagai Kazumasa, Mauren Kolomar.
Affluents du Temps Spazio Arauco
Via dell'Acqua 27 CH 6648 Minusio-Locarno
GNOMON-OGLIÈ 1998 - 2001 (illustration).
Photographs of the GANA NEGRA, rocks reaching to the sky.
Book OCÉANS DU CIEL, text by Zhuangzi (350 avant J.C.): space and time.
Róng Triennale di Milano / Villa Ciani, Lugano Musée du Louvre, Paris
2013 - 2014
HANDMADE IN HANGZHOU with the PINWU group, craftpersons and designers from Hangzhou, China.
With English and Chinese catalogue.